Crockpot Pork and Sauerkraut with Apples

Crockpot Pork with Sauerkraut and Apples Recipe from

Looking for a meal that takes less than 60 seconds worth of effort, can cook in the crockpot while you’re away at work, and will be a tasty dinner when you get home? I have just the thing!

Growing up my mother always cooked porkchops with sauerkraut and apples. Based on my memories, she usually did them in two separate pots and had to let the porchops cook down for a long time. It was tasty, sure, but some days I just don’t have the time or effort to pull something like that off. Hence, crockpot. The basic idea of the recipe is the same, but instead of using porkchops, I use a whole pork roast. This leaves you with shredded pork (similar to pulled pork) that has cooked in a combination of the juice from the sauerkraut and the apples as well as the juices from the pork itself. It makes for a really lovely combination.

This recipe, as it turns out, is also good luck! There is an old superstition saying you should eat pork and sauerkraut on New Years to bring luck in the new year. It is my understanding that the origins of this folklore are from the Pennsylvania Dutch, but depending on who you ask, the reasons behind it seem to change somewhat. Some say the pig is supposed to symbolize prosperity due to its fattened size. Others say it is because the pig roots forward, while the chicken scratches backward and the cow stands still, so the pig symbolizes a forward trend in the New Year. I have also heard discussions of the color of sauerkraut symbolizing wealth because of it’s gold color. Whatever the reason, why tempt fate? Pork and sauerkraut for New Years in my house, and I’m giving you enough notice that you now have a handful of months to plan dinner for yours.

Crockpot Pork and Sauerkraut with Apples Recipe Photo Tutorial
(Printer friendly version below)


1 pork roast, approximately 2lbs, but this is flexible
2 25oz jars fermented sauerkraut (I used Bubbies brand)
1/2 onion chopped (optional)
2 apples, cored and sliced

Optional variation ingredient: 1 cup chicken broth. See step 2 for details.

Step 1: Place pork roast in crockpot.

Crockpot Pork with Sauerkraut and Apples Recipe from

Step 2: Add onions if you are using them. They are optional, but add a nice flavor to this dish. I usually decide based on whether or not I am in an onion mood and whether or not I have them in the house. Then, pour 2 jars sauerkraut over pork roast – juice and all. (Note: If you’re not a huge fan of sauerkraut, or maybe you just want to mellow out the flavor of the sauerkraut, omit the sauerkraut juice and substitute about a cup of chicken broth. I prefer it with the sauerkraut juice, but I have family members who prefer the chicken broth. Either will work.)

Crockpot Pork with Sauerkraut and Apples Recipe from

I used Bubbies brand sauerkraut. It’s really tasty! It doesn’t contain any sugar or vinegar, which is a total bonus in my book. It’s just like the sauerkraut I ferment at home. Since it’s a fermented sauerkraut, you’ll find it in the refrigerated section of your grocery store, not on the aisle shelf. I know Whole Foods carries it. I have also seen it at QFC and Stop and Shop.

Crockpot Pork with Sauerkraut and Apples Recipe from

Step 3:  Core and slice apples. (Tip: an apple slicer/corer will have this done for you in a matter of seconds.) Place the apples on top of the sauerkraut.

Crockpot Pork with Sauerkraut and Apples Recipe from

Step 4: Cover. Set on low for 8 hours. With this recipe, it doesn’t need to be exact. If you’re running late coming home from work and it stays in the crockpot for another hour or two, it won’t hurt anything.

Step 5: If the pork didn’t shred by itself, break it up a little into pieces with a fork. (Or two, like pulled pork.) Serve in a bowl and eat like stew. Eat and enjoy!



  1. The pork was undercooked after 8 and 1/2 hours. It was even smaller than directed. Threw it in oven to cook. A waste of 2 jars of pricey sauerkraut.


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